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Literary Theory - Audio

By Paul H. Fry

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(ENGL 300) This is a survey of the main trends in twentieth-century literary theory. Lectures will provide background for the readings and explicate them where appropriate, while attempting to develop a coherent overall context that incorporates philosophical and social perspectives on the recurrent questions: what is literature, how is it produced, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose? This course was recorded in Spring 2009.

Customer Reviews

A must for all students of literature

This collection of lectures is brilliantly clear. Fry is a genius of succinct explanation of difficult concepts (such as those underlying Deconstruction and Lacanian Psychoanalytic Theory, for example) without reducing or oversimplifying. If you are a student of literature or a professor of literature or are simply interested in the development of thought in the 20th century, WATCH THESE OR LISTEN TO THEM. Your understanding of the topics will be clarified, deepened, and reinforced.

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