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Developing Mobile Apps with Web Technologies

By Stanford University

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Palm executives including VP, Directors, and Senior Product Managers lead a course on mobile application development on the WebOS. Students have the unique opportunity to attain the technical knowledge needed to create their own apps, get insider information about the application submission process at companies like Apple and Palm, and network with various members of Palm's executive team. The goal of the course is to give students the tools they need to become successful mobile application developer, from rigorous technical experience to valuable personal connections. Prerequisites: CS106B or X highly recommended.

Customer Reviews

Iphone IOS support

my users account supports

Good presenter

Whilst the material is a little Palm OS focused (that's where the guy worked). It's not that biased and there is some good content. This was a good use of time.


Lol PalmOS.

Part of a description of this course, is that one of the benefits of taking it is the opportunity to "network with various members of the PalmOS team."
Doesn't sound like they have a lot of confidence in the actual substance of the course itself.