We can’t help falling in love with Florence.


A story about love and life


More dynamic graphic novel than game, the award-winning Florence exudes a thrilling, wide-eyed optimism and it’s hard not to be swept up in its lovestruck energy. The story follows headstrong girl, Florence, who dreams of being an artist but spends her days toiling at a boring day job. Sparks fly when she meets Krish, a handsome young cello player.

What we love: The serene simplicity. Your main task is to swipe forward through Florence’s day-to-day life, exploring the triumphs and tribulations of falling in love. Fun mini-games are scattered throughout the storyline, complementing each stage of Florence and Krish’s relationship.

Guide Florence through her daily interactions.

Quick tip: Florence is accompanied by a divine instrumental soundtrack, so headphones are a must. Florence and Krish are both represented by an instrument, making the melodies integral to the developing love story. “Instruments such as flutes, clarinets, violins and electronics accompany the leading instruments, all to provide context to how they’d interact with each other,” says composer Kevin Penkin.

Meet the creator: After working on the hit Monument Valley, lead designer Ken Wong moved back to Australia, started a development house called Mountains and released this stunning interactive love story. “Romantic relationships form such an important part of my life and the lives of the people around me,” he says.