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Start writing essays - Audio

By The Open University

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Returning to study or starting it for the first time can be daunting. Many students are frightened of writing essays, but it’s a craft that can be learnt. This album will help you to build confidence in all areas of essay writing. A student discusses with two tutors her writing methods and how she adapts her techniques for exams and assignments. With tips shared from Professor Richard Dawkins, TV personality Matthew Kelly, former MP Brian Walden, Baroness Helena Kennedy, journalist John Pilgner and radio presenters John Humphrys and Peter White. This material forms part of The Open University course A172 Start writing essays.

Customer Reviews

Really very useful!

I have recently changed for a business structured course to a level 3 literature course, and this was enormously helpful to me to refocus my essay writing to what is expected within a writing/ arts course. The two essay writing structures are entirely different.

Well done to the OU and iTunes for making this free and easy to access!