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The Children's Bookshelf

By Dr. Sue Ann Martin

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The Children's Bookshelf with Dr. Sue Ann Martin.

Customer Reviews


This was a thing was made before I was alive and I was made 2008 and I was born 2014 plus this girl old!!! Ok Never mind turns out last year it was made 🤗😏 —————————————-👀———————————- |. 👄. |. |. ! ! |. |———————————————————————————. . |. |. . - -

Recommended "Reading"

I've been listening to the Children's Bookshelf since before it was a podcast. A great way to discover some gems. Each episode provides a brief synopsis of a book as well as an informed evaluation of both visual artwork and story. There are often little-known "behind the scenes" facts about the books and authors as well. This resource is produced by seasoned university professors in coordination with public radio: a professional product. Enjoy!

The Children's Bookshelf
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  • Free
  • Category: Books
  • Language: English

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