Peppermint - The tweakable, Click'n'Run Code Editor & IDE for your Mac 4+

    • 5.0 • 2件の評価
    • ¥2,200



The freshest, eco-friendly Code Editor for your Mac.

(If you need a TRIAL, please visit our website! ;-) )

-- Features --

- 50+ different syntaxes supported
- 10+ different themes
- Lots of different plugins/tools for everything you need
- Instantly Run/Preview your code, without ever leaving Peppermint
- Included FTP/SFTP mapping support
- Live JavaScript console
- Fully customiseable & scriptable
- Advanced Editing: Snippets, Autocompletion, Multiple cursors

-- Specs Supported --

ActionScript, Ada, AppleScript, Assembly x86, Bash, C#, C++, C, COBOL, CSS, Clojure, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, D, Erlang, Forth, Go, HTML, Haml, Haskell, Image, JSON, JSP, Java, JavaScript, LESS, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, MATLAB, Makefile, Markdown, OCaml, Objective-C, PHP, Pascal, Perl, Plain Text, Prolog, Python, Python+Django, R, Ruby, SQL, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Swift, Tcl, Textile, XML, XQuery, YAML

-- Plugins Included --

- AppleScript : Run / Run with Arguments
- Bash : Run / Run with Arguments
- C : Run / Run with Arguments
- C++ : Run / Run with Arguments
- C# : Run / Run with Arguments
- CoffeeScript : Compile
- CSS : Beautify
- HAML : Compile
- HTML : Beautify, Preview, Preview in Browser, Strip HTML Tags, Validate
- Java : Run / Run with Arguments
- JavaScript : Beautify, JavaScript to CoffeeScript, Pack, Run / Run with Arguments
- JSON : Beautify, To XML, Validate
- LESS : Compile
- Lua : Run / Run with Arguments
- Markdown : Preview, Convert to HTML
- Objective-C : Run / Run with Arguments
- Perl : Run / Run with Arguments
- PHP : Run / Run with Arguments
- Python : Run / Run with Arguments
- Swift : Run / Run with Arguments

+ More :

- Regex Editor
- Share your snippets via Gists
- StackOverflow embedded search
- FTP/SFTP support out-of-the-box
- Stick a file to split view


Many updates/features/extensions on the way! Let us know about your ideas and thoughts ( and let's create the most beautiful code editor for Mac. Together.



The C/C++/Objective-C/Swift compilers in the App Store version (in contrast with the version offered in our website) are not working due to App Store Sandbox restrictions. If you need these specific compilers, please contact us - or buy the unSandboxed version on our website. If you're already an App Store customer, please e-mail us a valid MAS receipt (from the e-mail used for the purchase) and we'll provide you a full license 100% FREE! ;-)

Follow us on Twitter :


バージョン 1.4


- Ruby (Run): Script executed with user input, not correctly outputting data — unbuffered execution
- Python (Run): Script executed with user input, not correctly outputting data — unbuffered execution
- FTP/SFTP : Fixed issues with FTP/SFTP downloading + slow file listing (still more enhancements coming!)
- Word Wrap + Indentation: Fixed the issue of text not being indented properly when using word wrap


- Terminal (all modes): “Run” command added, for executing Run plugins – if available
- Preferences > Editor: Option to set custom font manually (selection via Font Panel pending)
- Preferences > Editor: Option to set custom tab size manually
- Added actual checking for Unsaved Changes before displaying the annoying confirmation dialog, on quit
- Preferences Panel – rewritten/redesigned from scratch
- File Manager: Option to select default spec for new (untitled) documents
- File Manager: Option to specify default encoding (UTF-8, Windows CP*, Shift-JIS, and more)
- File Manager: Option to add folders/directories on top
- File Manager: Option to filter files by regex
- General preferences: Option to select behaviour on start up (new document / restore previous documents)
- General preferences: Option to select behaviour on quit
- Editor preferences: Option to set global font & font size
- Cleaned up Global Plugins, and hierarchy
- Lua compiler integration
- LESS (node) integration
- Cleaned up official themes + migration to the new simplified LESS format
- Ctrl+Z added for terminating terminal tasks
- Added option for 2-space tabs
- Cleaned up menu items, under View and Document


- Erlang: Run/Run with Arguments
- Elixir: Run/Run with Arguments
- Share: On Pastie, On Pastie (private)
- Text Plugin (Global): Spaces to Tabs, Tabs to Spaces, Convert to Uppercase/Lowercase/Titlecase
- Lines Plugin (Global): Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Remove Duplicates, Sort and Remove Duplicates, Reverse Order
- Shell Support – new command line interface (pmint)
- LESS: Preview/Live Preview/Compile added
- Prolog: Run support added
- Dart support added
- Jade support added
- Stylus support added
- Curly support added
- Twig support added
- VHDL support added




flying bees


シェルや Python のスクリブトを書くのに使ってます。シンタックスハイライトはもちろん、ライブコンソールや正規表現エディタ等、便利な機能満載で、使い勝手は最高です。また、ディベロッパーさんのサポートも最高です。


ただし、ストア版については、サンドボックス化による制限がきつくて、Peppermint 本来のパフォーマンスを発揮しきれていません。
購入する場合には、公式サイトから un-sandboxed 版を購入する事をお勧めします。






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