WordPress - サイトビルダ‪ー‬ 17+



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iOS 端末から直接 WordPress のブログやサイトを作成したり管理したりできます。投稿とページの作成と編集、お気に入りの写真と動画のアップロード、統計情報の表示やコメントへの返信もできます。

WordPress for iOS によって、スマートフォンから公開できます。 くつろぎながら、頭に浮かんだ俳句をさっと入力できます。 ランチタイムに写真を撮って投稿できます。 最新のコメントに返信し、統計から初めてアクセスのあった国を確認できます。

WordPress for iOS はオープンソースのプロジェクトであるため、この開発には誰でも貢献できます。 詳細については、https://apps.wordpress.com/contribute/ をご覧ください。

WordPress for iOS は、WordPress.com と、WordPress 4.0以降が稼働するインストール型 WordPress.org のサイトに対応しています。

アプリに関するサポートが必要ですか ? https://wordpress.org/support/forum/mobile/ にアクセスするか、@WordPressiOS にツイートを送信してください。

カリフォルニア州のユーザーへのプライバシー通知は https://automattic.com/privacy/#california-consumer-privacy-act-ccpa からご確認ください。


バージョン 24.9.1

We’ve been busier than Batman after yet another Arkham breakout. (We’d like to know what local billionaire Bruce Wayne is doing about that.) Buckle up, this update is a big one.

We fixed multiple issues with post syncing, like posts not loading when the app opens and not showing up in the right status tab. A place for every post, and every post in its place.

When you’re editing a page, you can now set the parent page within the page’s settings. We added slug and excerpt fields to the settings area, and we removed the status field. We also improved the way different settings are ordered and grouped.

We also resolved issues with the Publish Date field in your post settings. The new date picker makes it easy to choose your publication date, even if you’re in a different time zone from the blog. You’ll only see the Publish Date field when you’re ready to hit publish.

We added a new Media Uploads screen to your publishing workflow so you can see uploads in progress. You’ll see any error messages for failed uploads here, along with the option to cancel them. Oh, and speaking of errors, we improved notifications for errors with uploading and publishing.

We updated the “more” menu in the editor with a new look and feel, and we added a badge to indicate when a post is password protected. (We don’t recommend using the password 1-2-3-4-5. Amazingly, that’s the same combination we have on our luggage.)

Pending posts now have clearer workflows for admins and contributors. We also updated the success view for published posts. It’s now easier to Share and Blaze a post.

Changed your mind about trashing a post? You can now view and restore trashed posts and pages from the editor.

We removed the “draft uploaded” bar that appeared on the bottom of your screen when you were saving or updating a draft post. This did not spark joy, so we thanked it and said goodbye.

Finally, we squashed a long list of bugs and fixed a handful of rare crashes caused by code issues.

- If a draft on your device is different from the draft saved to the web, the app will now show a conflict resolution screen instead of making changes on its own.
- Discarding changes to a draft will no longer delete the entire draft. You also won’t see the option to discard changes when you haven’t made any.
- You’ll now see an error message when you assign a page author who isn’t eligible to be an author.




Pinky schneider




色々調べてみると、SiteGuard WP Pluginを有効にしていると







Hi! Thank you very much for the feedback! If I understand correctly it seems you were having an issue connecting to your site through XML-RPC that you were now able to solve; if it's not the case and you need more help with this please message us with your site URL at mobile-support@automattic.com so we can take a look and we are happy to further support. Thank you!


Just don’t bother with it

I guess it works for some people, but you might as well skip the native app and go edit your site straight on the Web. Why?

- If you write a draft in the app and you lose Internet connection while it’s trying to save the draft, say goodbye to it. It will endlessly try to save the post even after you reconnect and you won’t be able to stop it and use the app again. You can only force quit the app and restart it, but your draft will be gone. The draft isn’t even saved locally within the app.

- The Gutenberg editor on the Web has all the flexibility you need, even on an iPad or iPhone. The editor in the app supports less than half the blocks you have in the Gutenberg editor. Even the Web app will save a local copy for your to restore if you ever exit you browser or it crashes.

I’m not sure what’s the advantage of using the native app. It’s features are actually quite limited compared to the Web one.

After I lost one too many drafts, I uninstalled the app. I’m done with it. Don’t bother with it and stick with the Web app.


Looping back with an update about the drafts. We tried testing on a few different types of sites by creating a draft then turning off the internet connection while the draft is saving and the drafts were saved and then uploaded as expected after the internet connection was restored. (WordPress-iOS/15098) I would like to learn more about your site setup and testing steps to see if I can find out what you're doing differently compared to our tests because losing a draft is a serious problem that we do not want to ignore. If possible, please try the test again and if the draft does not save, please take a screenshot of the error and immediately send it using the Contact Form in the Help & Support section of the app. If you don't want to reinstall to run this test, that's okay too and we will keep an eye out for additional reports in that case.

Mikan Ichie AG



It'll kill my whole server every time I try to link my site with this app.
Even other Wordpress sites on the same server will be not available after something being triggered.
Chrome would say "err_connection_timed_out" and fortunately the situation will be fixed automatically within several hours.
I never experienced this before(last I was using this app was about 1 year ago). This problem is actually quite severe for people who run serious business on their Wordpress.


Hi there!

We are happy to investigate this for you. Please go to "My Site", tap on your profile icon, "Help & Support", and tap "Contact Support" to get in touch with our support team. You can also email us at mobile-support@automattic.com. We'll be happy to troubleshoot any issues and answer any questions.





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